Thursday, July 26, 2007

The city of sin and beyond

2 Tim 2:12 - If we are faithless, He remains faithful for he cannot disown himself.

Amen to that as I can fully say I experience this wholesomely throughout the past 6 weeks of my stay in USA.

Even when I found convenient excuses to skip QT, He remained faithful. Even when I easily forget to say grace before my meal, He was faithful. Even when I disobeyed and sinned, He continued being faithful.

He calms my fears, He sees that the Devil do not come and take control of my soul, He makes sure that everything is right on track so that the whole trip is safe and fruitful. Just because I am merely man and He is God.

I am back from the city of Sin, and if you've been there,it really DUH to see why it is called the city of sin. The seven sins as we known are magnified in Las Vegas.But many people argued that this is the culture of that city.

Las Vegas has numerous hotels and each of their lobby is a casino. So either you can gratify your "gluttony" sin by tucking in to their buffets, satisfy your "greed" and "envy" sin by gambling. You can also give in to your " lust " sin by going to strip clubs, switching on your hotel rooms' tv to watch porn or call any of the flyers handed out to you as you walked along the streets.

Yes, it is truly a city of sin, but I still appreciate the kind trolley driver who brought us around, the hotel staff who were so helpful and the city itself for giving a fantabulous time.

Apart of Vegas, this trip also brought me to one of the world's seven wonders- Grand Canyon.

And I hope everyone back home is doing fine. Can someone please please post an entry of the baptism and worship conference?

I will be home soon :D

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