Saturday, June 30, 2007

A starry-studded afternoon

How many times in your life can you say " I am going to Hollywood after school".

I find it pretty amusing that this is what I told my mum and sis where I will be going after lessons today.

I had a fun time in Hollywood today, not that I see any mega stars but I finally went to the Walk of Fame and go close up with the handprints of the people who graced the big movie screens. I respect their profession but I am not one of those who will go insane over them. It was exciting nonetheless.

And for xinjie, how spot on can you get? I was really filmed in Hollywood today. We were walking along Hollywood streets and there were people shooting a movie. It was so cool watching them do those scenes as it reminded me of my film course in CS and later when we walked back they waved at us and kind of beckoned us to look into the cameras.The camera then started panning and following us!I think that they are filming cut-aways to fit in between shots, but who cares, we are on a Hollywood movie. We were all so busy smoothing our hair, it was so hilarious at that moment. I do not recognise the actors by the way, but does it matter? It's Hollywood! Haha.

And Hollywood will be holding the opening of Harry Potter premier. The child actors will all be coming to LA to put their handprints, footprints and WANDPRINTS on Hollywood walkway. How cute can that get!

After Hollywood, we went to this famous American diner- International House of Pancakes. As the name suggests, everything was pancake. This is what we ordered but I only finished one-third of mine as it was too sweet. Mine is the wholemeal brown pancakes with blueberry( I just had to choose the healthier version). And my amazing three friends, polished up their plates while I died from instant-diabeties setback on my seat. However , as compared to Sydney's Pancakes on the rocks, this is way far from it.

America has such a culture where tipping is like a norm. It annoys me as the servers only are nice to you at the instant where you are ordering and paying but after that, they become a totally different person. It seemed forced that they try to put on good service.

A little update about my normal life. I have been going jogging in the morning around my neighbourhood because the weather is just so pretty at that time. A most embarrassing thing happened today and I tripped and fell flat on the pavement. The people in the car zooming by must be having a good morning joke about me.

I miss Singapore food. I miss Tau Huey especially, my favorite food in the world. The last one I ate was at Tanglin Halt!

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